A Midsummer Night’s Dream | William Shakespeare

A classical play about a fairy king and his mischievous sprite servant messing with four lovers’ relationships on a dreamy and enchanting midsummer night.

High Concept (Director: Zun Yu Tan)

The play explores many issues related to love, such as the absurdity and randomness of love. We often find ourselves falling in love with someone but can’t give an explanation for the magical feelings towards that specific person. Conversely, the love between two individuals can vanish into thin air, and everything feels unreal and out of nowhere as if there is no logic to it.

From an outsider’s perspective, these characters represent the various love prototypes, in a magical setting, become extremely exaggerated and absurd, mirroring real life.

Therefore, I chose to interpret the play by drawing inspiration from the early 2000s American rom-com movies, which have always seemed funny and relatable to me. Other than signature theme songs, the actors adopted an exaggerated yet natural acting style, similar to American sitcoms. I hoped the audience would feel like they were enjoying a TV show from my version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Working with Designers

A snippet of my process working with the designers of this production. Click on the link below to learn more!

Directing & Designing behind A Midsummer Night’s Dream(中文版)

Directing & Designing behind A Midsummer Night’s Dream

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